Chief and President's Letter

Dear Visitors of the Westport Volunteer Fire Department,
Everyday, Firefighters, both men and women, throughout the world put their lives on the line to help the people of their communities. At the Westport Vol. Fire Dept. we are proud of the men and women who volunteer their time away from their families, and risk their lives to help our community. They train, practice, and take schooling for all emergencies we respond to everyday.
We thank you for your donations this past year.
Your Volunteer Firemen answered 310 calls in 2020. 46 were for fires, 223 were medical with 10 being motor vehicle accidents, 11 were for severe weather, 20 were service calls including lift assists, canceled before arrival and investigating gas, smoke or carbon monoxide alarms.
Your donations and the funds from the Town of Westport and the Trustees of Sandcreek and Jackson Townships in Decatur County and Sandcreek and Columbia Townships in Jennings County have made it possible to maintain and upgrade our equipment and services. Our operating expenses for 2020 were
$81,170.60. Our major costs were for insurance, new tires for the pumpers and one tanker, equipment and major repairs on one of our pumpers.
The directors had previously established a replacement Fire truck fund. With those funds and a loan from Napoleon State Bank we were able to purchase a new 2019 pumper tanker. The cost of the new truck was $232,639. The current loan is now paid off. This truck replaces our 25 year old 1994 International Tanker. We will continue our replacement fund as we have other trucks that will need to be replaced in the near future.
We thank you again for your donations. You may send your donation to the Fire Department at PO Box 119, Westport, IN 47283-0119, give it to one of the Officers or deliver it at our drive-thru chili supper on March 6, 2021.
This web site is dedicated to all who volunteer to help our community. May God bless and protect these good people at all times.
Sincerely yours,
John Gant, President